La sfida dell’accreditamento nelle biobanche

La sfida dell’accreditamento nelle biobanche (ISO 20387): Nuovi paradigmi di tracciabilità e rintracciabilità a sostegno di sicurezza, efficienza, e sostenibilità 6 Giugno | CSMT Innovative Contamination Hub Esperti del settore e opinion leader si confronteranno per analizzare strategie innovative e migliori pratiche volte a potenziare sicurezza, tracciabilità e sostenibilità. Attraverso sessioni formative e casi studio […]

LIGHT Thematic Workshop May 15, 2024 “Artificial intelligence and health data management”

Venue: Room F – Faculty of Medicine Central Building (mezzanine floor, block E) – Viale Europa 11, University of Brescia Time: 11:00-12:00 | May 15, 2024 “Artificial intelligence and health data management” Dr. Alberto TOZZIOspedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Roma Event open to all interested parties. Introduced by: Prof. Marina Pizzi, DMMT University of Brescia and […]

LIGHT Thematic Workshop22 September 2023 “AI: new opportunities and challenges for Drug Discovery,Repurposing and Toxicology”

Venue: Aula A – Edificio Centrale di Medicina -Viale Europa 11 Universita’ degli Studi di Brescia Time: 14:30-16:00 Speechs: Introduction by Prof. Marina Pizzi, DMMT University of Brescia and LIGHT Center Prof. Weida Tong, FDA/NCTR“The ascent of AI: Predicting drug-induced liver injury”. PhD. Andrea Beccari, Dompé Exscalate Platform“EXSCALATE: An Extreme-Scale Virtual Screening AI Platform forDrug […]

UniBs, Antares Vision, and Dompé Farmaceutici sign the articles of association of the LIGHT Company

On Monday, January 30, 2023, the University of Brescia, Antares Vision Spa, and Dompé Pharmaceuticals Spa established the company “Lifescience Innovation Good Healthcare Technology” (or simply LIGHT The constitutive act took place yesterday in the Apollo Hall of the Rectorate. Participating were Rector Prof. Francesco Castelli, Prof. Marina Pizzi, leading the company’s Board […]

L.I.G.H.T. – Lifescience Innovation Good Healthcare Technology: 2,000 sqm in the Unibs Campus for Developing the Hospital and Healthcare of the Future

The University of Brescia has signed an agreement with Antares Vision Group, an Italian multinational leader in traceability and quality control of products and supply chains, and with Dompè pharmaceuticals S.p.A., an Italian leader in the biopharmaceutical sector, for the development of an integrated system of infrastructures that will expand by about 2000 square meters […]